Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Patience is surely a virtue. It is not something I possess easily
Especially in times of stress or trials. Or when others are not fair to me

I sometimes in the past have dropped to my knees and asked
"Dear Lord, send me patience yes give me that task."

And after some things that make you really have to wait
you realize patience is the thing you hate.

I could use more of it at work and so I think "OH WELL"
So for now, when I am pressed I breathe deeply and say "GO TO HELL"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I seriously am exhausted as I did not get much sleep last night watching the election and all of the results. I am so tired but I will come back and finally get this blog on the road and underway. Today has been interesting to say the least and a multitude of emotions have run through my body and my heart. Today was a hard day and it seemed to me, a day filled with negativity. I , for one, am very thankful that the Lord has answered our prayers and has preserved Obama and Biden and kept their families in His tender care.
I am thankful that for once, I can feel truly American. Never mind the fact that I was born and raised here.

I am deeply saddened by the hatred and ugliness spewing from the lips of others today as they try to deal with their emotions.

I will continue this later.
Love and Patience,